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  • Why are hospital gowns usually blue?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Specialists need to look at the red procedure site for a long time while doing surgery. Because the complementary color of the red is light blue, if changing the disposable hospital gown to blue, you can eliminate the visual problems that specialists have to look at in the red area for a long time. Basically, it helps to reduce stress i
  • Can you buy your own hospital gown?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Although a hospital gown will typically be handed to you without question, you don't have to wear it. Simply tell the nurse that you have brought your own gown or you prefer to wear what you have on. You can purchase a specialized birthing gown (or sew your own) to bring with you on the big day.
  • What are hospital gowns called?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A hospital gown, also called a johnny gown or johnny, is "a long loose piece of clothing worn in a hospital by someone doing or having an operation". It can be used as clothing for bedridden patients.