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Showing 7 - 9 of 189 results.
  • What to keep in mind when making Old Fashioned cocktails?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Its important to keep a few things in mind when trying out Old Fashioned cocktail recipes. Choosing a good-quality whiskey is important is getting the best out of your Old Fashioned. Rye or bourbon are the best whiskey selections. As its one of the three main ingredients along with bitters and sugar, choosing a good whiskey bottle will help. Be car
  • Which are the best Old Fashioned cocktails?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The best Old Fashioned cocktail recipes are those with bourbon whiskey as their base liquor as thats the closest to the original recipe. Bourbon whiskey Old Fashioned drinks can be traced to the time when cocktails first originated. Some people also love using brandy, tequila, gin, or other liquors to make Old Fashioned cocktails and it all totally
  • How to make a Honey Bourbon Old Fashioned?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The Honey Bourbon Old Fashioned drink is an easy one to make. All you have to do is to simply add honey, water, bitters, and bourbon to an Old Fashioned glass. Now, you would have to gently stir until all the honey dissolves and all the flavors mix well. Add ice to the drink and finish it off with cherries or an orange peel.