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Showing 1 - 3 of 19 results.
  • Why do people say that reading books improve your imagination?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You are only limited by what you can imagine, and the worlds described in books, as well as other people views and opinions, will help you expand your understanding of what is possible. By reading a written description of an event or a place, your mind is responsible for creating that image in your head, instead of having the image placed in front
  • Which are the best selling books?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Top rated science books of the year: 1) ON THE MOVE - Oliver Sacks 2)ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT AND THE INVENTION OF NATURE - Alexander von Humboldt 3)DARK MATTER AND THE DINOSAURS - Lisa Randall 4)THE BLUE WHALE - Jenni Desmond 5)THE PHYSICIST & THE PHILOSOPHER - Jimena Canales 6)WHAT TO THINK ABOUT MACHINES THAT THINK - John Brockman 7)THUNDER &
  • Where can you buy E-book reader accessories from?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    E-book reader and accessories can be bought from any e-commerce websites as well as from physical stores. There are stationery websites and physical stores that keep a stock of accessories for eBooks.