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  • What are the advantages of using a shadow box?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A shadow box is basically a glorified picture frame. While in a real picture frame you are framing a photo or canvas art or a print, the shadow box allows you to frame any three-dimensional item. This option is great to display anything you feel fond of and that you want to feature in your home decor.
  • Where should a shadow box be placed?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Shadow boxes don't necessarily have to be mounted on the wall, although that's usually the case. You can also choose to display them on a shelf, on the fireplace mantel or on your desk in your home office. A lot of people use them to showcase their most prized possessions like Medals, Trophies or memorabilia.
  • How do you keep things in place in a shadow box?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Here are mounting options to secure items in a shadow box frame:Glue. You can glue the back of the item directly onto the mounting board or the backing of the shadowbox frame.Poster putty. For light items, poster putty can work.Shelves.Invisible thread and decorative cloth.Pegboard and twist ties.