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  • What is a student loan consolidation?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Consolidation Loans combine several student or parent loans into one bigger loan from a single lender, which is then used to pay off the balances on the other loans. They also provide an opportunity for alternative repayment plans, making monthly payments more manageable.
  • How does a student loan consolidation work?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Simplifying your life is a side benefit of consolidation the main reason people do it is to get a fixed lower interest rate so they can pay their debt down faster. The same is true for student loan debt consolidation, except that federal student loans cannot usually be consolidated with other debts.
  • Can you consolidate private and federal student loans?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Private Student Loan Consolidation. Private student loans cannot, in general, be consolidated with federal student loans. The low interest rates on federal consolidation loans are not available to private education loans. So the main benefit of such a consolidation is obtaining a single monthly payment.