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  • What color suits are appropriate for business?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1) Mens suits, designed for the dressiest business and social occasions have traditionally been dark in color. The acceptable colors for suits are navy, gray, and tan (summer) also black, olive and in some cases, brown. 2) Navy and gray have evolved since they look good with the hair, eye, and skin tones of most men, and dark clothing is slimming.
  • How do I dry my clothes without shrinking them?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    This is why most cotton clothing will shrink during its first washing. The best way to avoid shrinkage is to wash them by hand or to use cold water and the delicate cycle of your washing machine. Ideally, your clothes that are made of natural fibers should never see the inside of your dryer.
  • Where to find NFL cheap jerseys?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You can easily find affordable and cheap NFL jerseys from clearance sales, factory outlets, wholesale outlets of NFL jerseys, bargain retailers, and so on.