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Showing 13 - 15 of 370 results.
  • Where will you get cheap computer parts?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you are shopping for computer parts, you need a trustworthy place to buy from. ot all retailers are the same?some offer great discounts, good customer service, and even helpful tools so you buy the best gear for your money. The best places to shop parts include Micro Center, NCIX, Newegg, Amazon and Tigerdirect.
  • What is the speed on a computer?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    In addition, computers have a certain amount of storage capacity for running programs and storing data. You'll see specifications for RAM and hard drive memory when you go computer shopping. Processor speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). The higher this measurement, the faster the processor.
  • What are the most powerful supercomputers in the world?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Fugaku is the world's most powerful public supercomputer, at 442 petaflops, even China is believed to secretly operate two exascale (1,000 petaflops) supercomputers, which were launched in 2021.