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Showing 1 - 3 of 1862 results.
  • I’m having trouble downloading photos to my computer with the software that came with my camera. What can I do?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Four words: buy a card reader. Then, when you insert the memory card, it will mount to your desktop just like another disc, and you can copy the photos directly to your hard disk. You can then use your favorite photo editing software to retouch your photos. 
  • What are ‘non-proprietary’ or ‘open’ formats, and why would I use them?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    In the simplest cases, a non-properitary format is a format which does not have restrictions on its use and over which no one claims intellectual property rights. For example, Microsoft Office products, such as Microsoft Word, are proprietary, while Open Office products are non-proprietary (and open source). For long term access to files, digital p
  • Does the cloud storage company offer true data encryption?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Most (though certainly not all) cloud storage providers encrypt users' data while it is traveling through cyberspace, but many service providers do not encrypt data that resides on its servers-or, if they do encrypt it, they encrypt it with a key they have access to, which means potentially that data center employees have access to users' data. The