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Showing 1 - 3 of 489 results.
  • What Is Chiropractic Software?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Chiropractic electronic medical record (EMR)/electronic health record (EHR) systems offers features such as diagrams to illustrate diagnoses and procedures, notes with customizable text and custom reports for a chiropractor's office. Additionally, some chiropractic-specific EMR software will offer an image storage and retrieval system to track pati
  • Are silicone wristbands environmentally friendly?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    As many may know, silicone wristbands are not recyclable in the sense that they are not biodegradable. However, that is not to say silicone cannot be reused. Custom silicone wristbands can be made from recycled silicone if requested.
  • Are silicone wristbands still popular?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Within the past few years, some argue, custom silicone wristbands have fallen out of fashion. In a sense, their ubiquity hastened their decline. Once limited, wristbands exploded in popularity following the success of the famous yellow ones.