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Showing 4 - 6 of 273 results.
  • How many divisions are there in basketball?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    There are currently 30 teams in the NBA. The league is divided up into two conferences, the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. The Eastern conference has three divisions called Atlantic, Central, and Southeast. The Western conference also has three divisions, which are the Northwest, Pacific, and Southwest.
  • How can you find the most affordable travel deals?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Travel today need not be expensive at all if you keep yourself abreast about the great deals that happen around the year. Many airlines companies and offer great deals, loyalty points and frequent flier deals for regular travelers. You can follow these companies and track their deals. Many travel bloggers write blogs and update all the frequent fli
  • Do NBA players get paid for jersey sales?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes, they do. The NBA and players union negotiated in collective bargaining agreement in how much money earned from the licensing deals that let other manufacturers to manufacture and the sales of jersey, sneakers, basketballs, warm-up jackets, sweatshirts, and non-sports items.