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Showing 7 - 9 of 485 results.
  • Can my landlord charge me for an emotional support animal?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Housing Landlords and Managers Can't do the Following: They can't require that the ESA animal performs a certain task like a service animal. They can't require a pet deposit or fee for accommodating the emotional support animal, even when the landlord or manager requires other tenants to pay a pet deposit.
  • How do you make a Tech Deck?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1) Get some box of cereal or something like the box. 2) Get a tech deck with out trucks. 3) Trace the tech deck on the cereal box or something like it. 4) After getting the amount you want, find how many ply you want. 5) Then cut them out. 6) After cutting them out glue the ply together. 7) Bend the tail to the right amount. 8) Or you can use clamp
  • What kind of animals can be emotional support animals?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    All domesticated animals may qualify as an ESA (cats, dog, mice, rabbits, birds,hedgehogs, rats, mini pigs, ferrets, etc.) and they can be any age (young puppies and kittens, too).