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  • What are the benefits of using a treadmill?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Treadmills give a great cardiovascular workout and help improve heart health. Each time you step on a treadmill, you strengthen your heart. And as your heart grows stronger, you lower your blood pressure. Plus, the act of running or walking helps to get the blood flowing, which reduces the stress on your heart.
  • Is it safe to run on a treadmill at high speeds?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes, if you gradually train yourself up to it. Each time you workout on the treadmill build up the speed gradually. Always set a speed that you are comfortable with, at which your running form is still good. If you go beyond this speed you increase the chances of an accident or impact injuries. Use the safety clip, it will stop the machine if you f
  • How do treadmills work?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A treadmill is an exercising device used for walking or running or climbing while staying in the same place. The treadmill has a belt that moves on rollers mounted beneath it. The rollers are either powered by your legs (manual) or they are motorised. The speed and other settings can be adjusted on an electric treadmill and it may have many differe