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Showing 1 - 3 of 50 results.
  • How long should my piping system last?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Typically, a galvanized piping system can last 30-50 years before you will begin to notice poor water quality. Some galvanized systems have started to deteriorate in as little as 3 years; others are 75 years old and look almost new. Lots of factors affect the lifespan of a water system, including the quality of the pipe material and the water quali
  • How do water systems work?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Several different systems make up a house's water systems. Fresh water is delivered to a home through water supply pipes from the utility or a well and is then distributed to sinks, toilets, washers, bathtubs, and related fixtures. The drain-waste-vent system carries away used water and wastes to sewers or septic tanks.
  • What is an anti-hammer device?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    An anti-hammer device softens the impact of water rapidly stopping at a point in the water line where an appliance is connected. Appliances rapidly shut water on and off, which causes the water volume to slam into the end of the run and suddenly stop. This creates a hammering affect which can harm the appliance. Modern water systems codes require a