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Showing 1 - 3 of 79 results.
  • Can an asthma attack be fatal?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes. Although most people who have an asthma attack get help and get well, the shocking and tragic fact is that asthma attacks kill three people each day. On a more positive note, it is estimated that two-thirds of asthma related deaths are preventable with better routine care. Taking your asthma remedies regularly as recommended, is the best wa
  • How can one prevent an asthma attack?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    In order to minimize asthma triggers, people with asthma can take an active role in controlling their condition by identifying those things that trigger their asthma attacks and taking measures to minimize these triggers at home and at work or school. For example, if cats and dogs trigger your asthma, then not having a cat or dog or minimizing expo
  • Why My Asthma Worsens Whenever I Take Pain Remedies ?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    One possibility is that you are sensitive to anti-inflammatory remedies (also called NSAIDs. Many common over-the-counter remedies can cause harmful side effects, such as breathing problems, for people with asthma. Here's what you need to know. If you have asthma, you most likely work hard to avoid triggers. You shut the windows when the a