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  • Is 1st or 3rd degree burns worse?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    First-degree burns are considered mild compared to other burns. They result in pain and reddening of the epidermis (outer layer of the skin). Third-degree burns(full thickness burns) go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.
  • What is the difference between 2nd and 3rd degree burns?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Second-degree burns (partial thickness burns) affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower layer of skin). They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering. Third-degree burns (full thickness burns) go through the dermis and affect deeper tissues. They result in white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.