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  • What are the 1-piece hinged covers suitable for?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you do not carry any load in the cargo space or carry only small, compact items like a toolbox, your fishing gear, or your gym bag, the 1-piece hinged covers serve the purpose. These are easier to install, are affordable, and can be opened and closed like the lid of a box.
  • Are retractable covers useful?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    These are high-quality soft covers that retract into a storage unit located at the front of the truck bed. Instead of having to uninstall these covers every time you dont need them, this is an easier and hassle-free process. Some of these covers also provide you with the option of locking the cover when it is partially closed.
  • What kind of fit should I buy?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Buy the fit that is most practical to you and the house. Buy a one-piece cover for your furniture if you do not want to take it off often. Otherwise, take something which has a different piece for every part of the furniture. The latter option is suitable for families with young children as they can be frequent spills on the covers that would need