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  • Is there a cheapest day of the week to fly?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The industry tends to say that Tuesday is the cheapest day to fly because it's not a big day for business travel, but Maire Bonheim, publisher of Travelzoo, says typically the cheapest flights are Tuesday through to Thursday. Also, early morning flights are often cheaper and there are fewer chances of delays.
  • How do you find the lowest fare?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Airlines use sophisticated algorithms to calculate demand for their seats. These so-called yield management systems mean that the price youre being quoted for a flight may not be the lowest one. Its based on demand for that flight based on historical averages. Whats more, if you dont push the buy button now, the fare may be gone in a few minutes. A
  • What can you do if you over pay for your flight?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Relax. Your airfare probably represents no more than a third of your trip expenses. You'll save yourself lots of time and misery by taking a deep breath and following this advice: If you see an airfare you can afford, book it now, and don't look back. You might be able to find a less expensive fare, but you'll waste hours trying to find it - hours