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  • What is a concessionary passenger?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Reduced ticket-price or rate offered to certain type of passengers, such as members of armed forces, veterans, members of a specific organization.
  • What are the passport benefits for seniors?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Normally, police verification is done before the passport is issued. In case of senior citizens, it can be done post-issuance subject to condition. Senior citizens can be issued a passport on post police verification basis if they submit a copy of the passport of their child (above 18) staying abroad (with a page having their name) as an additional
  • What is senior age for airlines?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    While not all airlines offer senior discounts, there are a few airlines that do. Usually the age range can vary depending on the airline. Travelers 55 to 65 years old may qualify for a senior discount. You may find that senior fares are not cheaper than the already low fares out there.