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  • What kind of tea is good for pain?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Turmeric is also sold in supplement form. Ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory, has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to cure pain. Ginger helps relieve nausea, arthritis, headaches, menstrual cramps and muscle soreness.
  • What is the symptoms of body pain?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The main fibromyalgia signs and symptoms include deep muscle pain, painful tender points, and morning stiffness. Other common symptoms of fibromyalgia include sleep problems, fatigue, and anxiety. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, your physician will need to review your symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia.
  • Is stress a factor in causing cold sore outbursts? How do you prevent it?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes, stress can cause the herpes virus to come out of dormancy, reducing the amount of stress in your life is one way to prevent cold sores. Meditation, regular exercise, and avoiding the causes of stress in your life may help.