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  • What are some good exercises to lose belly fat?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1) crunches 2) twist crunches 3) side crunch 4) reverse crunches 5) vertical leg crunch 6) bicycle exercise 7) lunge twist. 8) rolling plank exercise.
  • What is the best exercise bike for weight reduction?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Upright bikes more closely mimic bicycling outdoor while recumbent bikes provide more comfort and back support. Both are effective for increasing heart rate to burn the calories necessary for weight reduction, so choose the bike that's most comfortable for you since this will impact the duration of your rides.
  • How does exercise help to reduce belly fat?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Cardio exercises like running and walking are the two fastest ways to reduce belly fat for men as well as women. They help in burning the calories, and thus the percentage of fat in the body decreases. Exercising also strengthens the muscles, and it is very important to warm and cool down before and after running respectively in order to get better