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Showing 7 - 9 of 624 results.
  • What are some of the popular bathroom cleaning tips?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Some of the simplest bathroom cleaning tips include dusting, scrubbing bleaching, sweeping, and disinfecting. You could also use an effective bathroom cleaning product to get the desired results.
  • What to keep in mind while clearing your closet?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    While clearing your closet of all the clutter, you must make sure to keep proper track of all the clothing items and other things that you are throwing out. It is important to prioritize between what you use frequently, what you use once in a while and what you do not use at all. Make sure that you toss out items that are hardly used or out of fash
  • How to clean glass windows?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You can clean windows using squeegees and white vinegar solution. You can create a white vinegar solution by mixing four parts of water with one part white vinegar. You can then spray it on the squeegee and wipe your windows clean. You can also use a newspaper or a sponge or anything that is lint-free instead of a squeegee.