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  • What is a baby shower?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    In some countries, a baby shower is a way to celebrate the expected or delivered birth of a child by presenting gifts to the mother at a party, whereas other cultures host a baby shower to celebrate the transformation of a woman into a mother.
  • How do you plan a baby shower?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1.Choose a theme, if you'd like. It can be traditional (baby-related) or as simple as a garden theme, with baskets of flowers and pots of wheat grass.  2.Send out invitations. Provide a map or directions to the location and an RSVP deadline of no later than a week before the date. 3.Go shopping. 4.Plan the menu.
  • What month of pregnancy to have a baby shower?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Some couples may not want to have the shower until after the baby is born. Others prefer to have it right away. Take any personal, religious, or cultural traditions into consideration before setting a date. That being said, most showers are held in the last two months of pregnancy.