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  • What kinds of breast pumps are available?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Breast pumps can be manual or powered. Powered pumps can use batteries or a cord that plugs into an electrical outlet. Some pumps even have an adapter for use in the car. Double pumps extract milk from both breasts at the same time, while single pumps extract milk from one breast.
  • What pumping accessories are required for breastfeeding moms?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Though many breast pumps come with basics including a portable charger, milk storage bottles, a carrying bag and rechargeable batteries, there are still a handful of extras that may make the breastfeeding experience easier (and less messy) for you: wipes, breast milk storage bags or containers, hot or cold packs, nursing pads, micro-steam bags, a b