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Showing 1 - 3 of 1472 results.
  • What is the difference between grilling and barbecuing?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    When you barbecue you are cooking with a slow circumvented unit of hot air with the lid closed. Grilling is done with the lid up and you're cooking with direct heat on the bottom, instead of all around the source.
  • What are different BBQ techniques?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Barbecuing encompasses four or five distinct types of cooking techniques. The original technique is cooking using smoke at low temperatures—usually around 240280 °F or 115145 °C—and significantly longer cooking times (several hours), known as smoking. Another technique, known as baking, used a masonry oven or baking oven that uses c
  • What is the meaning of BBQ?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Barbecue or barbeque (informally BBQ or barby/barbies) is both a cooking method and an apparatus. Barbecuing is done slowly over low, indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking process, while grilling, a related process, is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat that produces little smoke.