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Showing 1 - 3 of 569 results.
  • Are desktops and laptops dying?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    It definitely depends on what you define as a desktop or laptop PC. Tt will always be easier to write on a real keyboard than using a touch screen and also a lot easier to look on a big screen instead of a little Smartphone screen or a tablet screen.
  • Which is the best time to buy laptops in bulk?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Timing is indeed a major factor when it comes to buying laptops in bulk. If you need a pretty recent edition, you can order or purchase when the manufacturer releases a new line of upgraded laptops, because they will have to offload their old Stock. Black Friday is one great time to buy laptops in bulk if the number of laptops you want to buy is a
  • How to buy a replacement battery for your laptop?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Before buying a replacement battery, make sure to check the following details: Compare price range and warranty details. Check the Internet for third-party battery suppliers. You cant squeeze a 3-inch battery made for you laptop into the 2-inch slot.Hence, you need to Meet the specifications. If your original battery was rated at 14.8 volts, thats