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Showing 4 - 6 of 357 results.
  • What is a mid rise apartment?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A low-rise is a building that is only a few stories tall or any building that is shorter than a high-rise, though others include the classification of mid-rise. Emporis defines a low-rise as "an enclosed structure below 35 metres [115 feet] which is divided into regular floor levels."
  • How to select an apartment?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1.Sort through your priorities before you go apartment shopping. 2.Make a list of apartment complexes that you're interested in. 3.Call each apartment complex with a set of questions.  4.Show up for your appointment on time. 5.Observe the exterior of the complex. 6.Be vigilant when you enter the apartment.
  • What is a long term rental?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Long term usually starts from 6 months. 4 months is a little difficult with regards to searching for property. Many landlords that are looking to let their property for long terms prefer a minimum of 6 months, but may be willing to take on a tenant for 4 months especially if the property is vacant.