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Showing 4 - 6 of 210 results.
  • Is it advisable to use a wet mop to clean my floor?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Never use a wet mop or cloth on the floor. It could be very damaging to the wood. Always use a damp mop or cloth only. Water will flow down between slats, penetrate the wood, stain it black. At worst, it will lift the coating, causing it to peel away.
  • Which chemicals can be harmful while cleaning wood floors?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Though natural ingredients are best for cleaning wood floors, you should also know the chemicals which are harmful to the wooden floor. Paste wax makes the floor slippery, acrylic removes the shine and baking soda reacts and releases water and salt which is not fit for a wooden floor. Borax is effective in cleaning but can cause a respiratory probl