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Showing 1 - 3 of 382 results.
  • Can any other doll hair products be used on American Girl doll?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Try not to. Drugstore empty spray bottles should be rinsed out before use and if you choose to buy a store bought brush, make sure to never use it on any body or animals real hair, for oils can leak into the brush, leaking back into your dolls hair which will ruin it. Hairsprays, heat protect ants, stiffening sprays, and detanglers are all no's no
  • Can hot hair tools be used on american girl dolls hair?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    No matter what videos, commercials, or anything, NEVER use any hot tools on your dolls hair. They may look great but after time, your dolls hair will stiffen and dry out. If you want to curl your dolls hair, use the AG curling rods (no other products). If you want straight hair, try your best to wet down her hair and softy brush through the curls.