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  • How does exercise help with COPD?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Getting regular, physical exercise is one of the best ways to reduce COPD symptoms. Many people with COPD abstain from regular exercise because it causes breathlessness. This results in an endless cycle of progressive inactivity and worsening breathlessness. If shortness of breath interferes with your ability to stay physically fit, talk to your ph
  • What is family health history?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Family health history refers to health information about you and your close relatives. Family health history is one of the most important risk factors for health problems like heart disease, stroke, diabetes. A risk factor is anything that increases your chance of getting a disease.
  • What is complementary and alternative remedies?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Complementary and alternative remedies includes practices such as , acupuncture, tai chi, and drinking green tea. Complementary and alternative remedies is the term for products and practices that are not part of standard health care profession.